4 important Steps For Gmail Security in Under 4 Minutes

As long as you are accessible on the network must take into account some important things, the most important of these is important to protect your personal information, including e-mail messages that you receive via Gmail.

Of course there is no data protection by 100%, but the least you can do is little attention to data security, reducing penetration Gmail account and access your data.

From this point of view in this article I will move some important tips that you should consider before using Gmail as your primary email address for.

1. Encrypting e-mail messages

HTTPS protocol give all sites access data through HTTPS but fortunately Gmail has this capability, And Google recognizes itself, the importance of encrypting data that they force you to check mail via encrypted HTTPS connection. 

In addition, Google announced recently that it would alert the user when receiving an e-mail message via an unencrypted connection. 

But unfortunately the HTTPS encryption is primitive in the world of protection and hack so you will have to take some additional steps to protect your data, you can use Mailvelope for example to encrypt the original mail service has added to chrome browser can integrate with Gmail easily and also works with popular email services like Outlook and Yahoo Mail!.

2. Enable 2-Steps Verification

Mean you Enable two options "Steps" for accessing your account; the first is to enter your user name and password, and the Second is entering the activation code sent to your number. 

So Trying someone To hack your account ? it is Very Difficult, you will have to have the account password and mobile phone and it is very difficult.

Follow these Steps To Enable : 2-Steps Verification

Open your profile icon at the top right of Gmail and click My Account. 
Under Sign-In & Security, select Signing Into Google. 
Under Password & Sign-In Method, select 2-Step Verification
Enter your phone number and select a verification method.

3. Log in Using Incognito Mode

You may use one of the computers in the library or Internet Cafe, or even in your company, our advice to you is to use the browser on the status of Private browsing "incognito", a feature present on all Internet browsers currently in this situation even if you forgot your email open without log off before you close your browser, no data will be recorded for previous browsing session, so your data is safe.

4. Password

If you do not use authentication or data encryption, the password is the most important for you, in which case we recommend that you use the same password on all your accounts with Gmail, not even using the same word twice on any other service please! 

With the increasing volume of accounts and services online has become difficult for us to choose a different password for each service separately and remember these words, for this we recommend you use one of the services that provide a unified login for all accounts, with different passwords, services like 1Password for example, Or You Can Use Password Managers Extensions On Your Browsers,it's Very Useful To Save All Your Password And Access Them Later, There Are Many Password Managers But i Recommend You Last Pass, Why Last Pass

Some Features

1. Support Most Browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Baidu (Spark) ...
2. Smartphone Support :Like Android
3. No Problems While Authentication or with saving Passwords
4. Saves Username Field 
5. Auto-completion Email & Password
6. Difficult Method on For Password encryption on servers

This is what our ways you can protect your data on the e-mail service Gmail if you have other tips we don't skimp and share them in the comments below.